Nobody reports they Tried
Let's imagine (all, group thinking mob mentality mindset) something that hasn't happened in the Mass Mind / Mob Mentality of 2024
A marriage has troubles after 24 months'
A mature, 28 year and old couple, both people adults at age 28 and over... ideally with Masters degrees or equivalent age 28 demonstration to society mindset...
One becomes difficult, problem pattern over 12 months or longer. Not "temporary insanity", but sustained problem of negative choices
The other person "Loved their ENEMY" and "turned the other cheek" and studied brain systems of human beings, homo sapiens. They studied psychology and realized the problem of their partner and HELPED their partner. Regardless of which gender needed the help.
Reported this on social media and became the next Malala, Martin Luther King Jr, Mohammad, leader... how psychology learning from education and PhD degree solved their marriage...
Show us the examples, teachers and instructors...
Maybe "Mass Mind" (Howard Bloom") and Mass Mind (Marshall McLuhan) matters. Because I can show where McDonald's did advertising and people (groups, mobs) flocked to burger consumption which lead to heart disease.... oh wait, we deny that too!
Do you see the Silhouette o absent education and film, TV stories in favor of hate?